Engagement Letter

Engagement Letter

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 I have got a small practice that deals with very small contractors, but all the engagement letter templates i come across are ridiculously long.

Does anyone have a template suitable for small companies that they are willing to share?

Thanks in advance.

Replies (3)

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By pjd17mini
05th Jul 2011 08:30

Take a look here:


It includes a sample of a very short engagement style letter, although it still needs to be accompanied by a copy of your standard terms.

We have adapted this to include a table of services offered and the required timetable for information to be provided, rather than add more sentences to the letter.

Hope that helps


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By school63
07th Jul 2011 13:25

Thank you.

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By pcproject
13th Jul 2011 14:47

Engagement letters

CIMA also provide engagement letters for small practices and can be found on their website http://www.cimaglobal.com/Members/Members-handbook/Members-in-practice/Part-B-requirements/Engagement/


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