Doctors Superannuation late payment

Doctors Superannuation late payment

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A doctor client owes a balancing amount of superann. for 2004/05 of about £6,000. Due to computer problems at the PCT this may not be deducted from the monthly payment until after 31 March. Pulse says this must be paid over by 31 March but the PCT say the Revenue are planning to extend A9 to allow late paid arrears to be claimed.
Who is right?
Gordon Drennan

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By nigelburge
17th Mar 2006 15:06

Pay before 31 March
The PCT state that they have been told by HMRC that HMRC are planning to allow carry back for Superannuation for doctors.
However, nothing has yet been announced by HMRC.
So at the present time, payments must be made by 31 March to fall into the tax year AND the PCT's pension scheme year.
Ask the PCT for the name and address to send the cheque - they have only just decided that they can accept cheques.

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