electronic audit toolkit (audit programmes...

electronic audit toolkit (audit programmes...

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Does anyone know of a reliable supplier please, for interactive audit programmes (eg pcas), companies act disclosure checklists....?
Catherine Craven

Replies (3)

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By jpwattam
10th Sep 2003 15:50

Pentana.com regularly appear in Accountancy magazine's software directory.

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By AnonymousUser
11th Sep 2003 13:28

ProAcc systems
ProAudit from ProAcc systems (part of CCH) can be used for audit programmes - and i think they do an accounts disclosure package too

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By excalibur
11th Sep 2003 14:03

I met with John Sime, CCH Regional Manager for our area, this morning. We are considering buying PCAS (via the Electronic Audit Toolkit) and the Interactive Company Accounts Disclosure Checklist from them. John is an extremely nice man and I can recommend him. I imagine you would receive the same courteous attention from any of his colleagues.

CCH website is www.cch.co.uk , email is [email protected] , tel 0870 777 2906

(I am not in any way connected to CCH, by the way)

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