Help With A Line Graph In Excel

Help With A Line Graph In Excel

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I wish to construct a line graph using Microsoft Excel that will have two X axis. I wish to show three cost per ton lines and also show the tonnage on a month by month basis.

I have been able to construct the graph showing the three costs per ton with the figures on the left hand axis, however, when I introduce the tonnage data with the figures on the right hand axis one of the lines from the cost per ton data falls of the graph!!

Is there a limit to just three lines on a line graph or can more be introduced, if so how ??

Any help would be most appreciated.
David Jarvis

Replies (1)

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By neileg
17th Jun 2002 09:26

I can construct a graph with three lines on the primary x axis and one on the secondary axis.

All of my lines go where I would expect and none of them fall off!

I'm using Excel 97.

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