Informing HMRC that the company is dormant or active

Informing HMRC that the company is dormant or...

Didn't find your answer?

I was just wondering before when we used to register a new company hmrc used to send us the ct41g that we had to include the principal activities

etc as we have iris secretarial we used to generate it together with form 64-8 now hmrc have changed it and they advice that we need to do it online they provide a website on the form that does not exist, i go on our agents hmrc corporation tax section there is not indication as to how to inform them

how do you guys inform hmrc any ideas ?

Replies (3)

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By johngroganjga
10th Jun 2014 23:10

What is it you want to inform them of?

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Locutus of Borg
By Locutus
10th Jun 2014 23:33

You need to ...

1.  Log in to (either agent or client login should be fine)

2.  Click on "register for HMRC taxes"

3.  On the agent login select the radio button "I want to tell HMRC that my client is in business ...."  If you use the client login it probably has similar wording

4.  I'm sure you can follow the rest yourself

If you don't bother to do all of this, I believe HMRC just assume that the company is trading from the date of incorporation, just as they did in the old CT41G days.



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By User deleted
10th Jun 2014 23:46

And ...

... when you file the CT600 from IRIS it will update their records anyway.

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