Investment Property within a Limited Company

Investment Property within a Limited Company

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A client of mine has setup a company solely to house an investment property (part residential, part commercial) and I am keen to get the reporting correct.

During this year the client has purchased the property and spent around £10k on what I would describe as capital improvements if I was looking at it from a sole trade residential letting point of view but I am not 100% sure how to proceed with the limited company.

SSAP 19 says that the property should be included at its open market value so would I be correct in capitalizing the improvements and then running any changes in value through the reserve as normal or should any improvements be written off to P&L?  Presumably repairs can be written off in the normal manner

I am also aware that with FRS 102 lurking around the corner there may be a benefit to adopting the Micro Company regime in order to avoid having to revalue the property each year, what is the current accounting opinion on this route?

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By johngroganjga
18th Nov 2014 10:27

Nothing about the the treatment of the expenditure changes because the property is owned by a company, or because the company is accounting for it as an investment property.

If it's capital expenditure you capitalise it.  If it's revenue expenditure you write it off.


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