Prettier Todo list

Prettier Todo list

Didn't find your answer?

I did not like the changes toodledo made. It was not easy on the eye. 

I have moved to Wunderlist - love it -

I can move my gmail into wunderlist  as tasks using chrome extension. 

Just better than toodledo but less functionality. I did not need the additional functionality of toodledo.

Highly recommend. 

Replies (7)

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By MissAccounting
15th May 2013 09:58

Its good to know Im not the only one who likes a pretty to-do list!  I often use 2 different highlighting colours and sometimes even draw pretty little flowers in the corner.  Not sure if your to-do list offers this functionality but its worth seeking one out that does as I can highly recommend it.

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Man of Kent
By Kent accountant
15th May 2013 10:07

At the risk of

sounding blunt - JFDI

To do lists should take five minutes at the end of each day - don't sod about changing the format, font, colour coding, 



Thanks (1)
By MissAccounting
15th May 2013 10:15

Dont knock it until you have tried it Kent ;o)

If you dont like the ideas of flowers then go with a star or a heart perhaps?

Thanks (1)
Man of Kent
By Kent accountant
15th May 2013 10:32

Reminds me

of all the time I wasted with A level revision timetables, going as far as 15 minute increments.

Hangovers/sport/crappy TV - blew the timetable to pieces.

A4 paper and a black biro for me, maybe the odd asterisk, wouldn't go as far as a star for a heart...!!!

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By MissAccounting
15th May 2013 10:41

What could possibly brighten up the day more than a little heart bullet point next to the nice things on your to do list?  A skull and cross bones next to some of the D listers may be more appropriate of course but just don't leave it on your desk when they come in....

Thanks (1)
Man of Kent
By Kent accountant
15th May 2013 10:42

skull and cross bones

now that I like *

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By User deleted
15th May 2013 11:51


Well I'm not sure that having flowers on my to-do list would work but MissAccounting's posts have just made me laugh so maybe I'll save the thread and make myself smile every so often instead ;)

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