Reasonable excuse

Reasonable excuse

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Which of these are the five reasonable excuses for late filing of tax return?

1) My accountant forgot                   

2) Broadband failure, filed one month later

3) Broadband failure, filed next day

4) Hard drive failure, filed next day

5) Brain fell asleep 31 Jan before completing filing and woke after midnight          

6) Heart attack 31 Jan

7) Heart attack 1 Jan - non fatal

8) Heart attack 1 Jan - fatal

9) Dog ate homework              

10) Notified of terminal cancer November, still alive 31 Jan

11)  Didn't receive reminder from HMRC

If chosen randomly you have a 1 in 462 chance of getting the right answer.

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By Fizzy
23rd Jun 2015 19:22

No reasonable excuse

As I tell my wife every year when she leaves it till the last minute, there is no excuse for late filing at all. Okay if she was dead I might excuse her, possibly, though I'd be having a few stern words with her at graveside. You have all year for filing it and there's no reason for not filing by the end of May (and that's if you have to wait for P60s or bank interest or something). If I was HMRC I'd bring the deadline forward several months!  

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