Submitting VAT Return Direct from Sage 50

Submitting VAT Return Direct from Sage 50

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We use Sage Line 50 (V 19) and an article the latest Sagecover Newsletter prompted me to revisit the VAT return submission functionality included in the current version of the program.

At the moment, we compile the VAT return using Sage, but I then submit the return manually via the HMRC website.  Clearly submitting direct from Sage 50 would save us a lot of time, but my reluctance to do this stems from a suspicion - which Sage was unable to refute when questioned about it a few years ago - that the Sage program may be submitting more than the bear minimum of information required to complete a return.  When filling in the return myself, I know I am just putting in the totals of (for example) Sales and Purchases, and I am completely comfortable with HMRC conducting occasional inspections / audits of my data to check I am doing things correctly - which they do.

However, I do not wish Sage to submit any additional, unnecessary information via their program routine, such as details of the individual transactions which comprise those Sales and Purchases totals, thus enabling HMRC to go on a fishing trip, in the unlikely event that they find themselves with time on their hands!

I have no proof or information to indicate that my suspicions have any founding, but I would appreciate others views on this before committing to that particular module of Sage 50.



Replies (2)

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By johndon68
17th Apr 2013 14:25


The only way you'll get a definitive answer would be from Sage although I suspect you'd have to go beyond just speaking to a support technician, there is no other way to know for certain what is being submitted without access to the underlying code...

The only indication would be how long it takes to sumbit the VAT Return - if they were uploading transaction details (my gut feeling would be that they are not) then it would take some time to upload all the details if you have a lot of transactions on the return.




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Replying to Tim Vane:
By neilfo
18th Apr 2013 09:57

Sage VAT Returns

Thanks John.

Does anyone else have a view on this?  Am I just being paranoid, thinking Sage may submit data over and above the bare minimum required to complete a VAT return?

Clearly an unambiguous statement from Sage themselves would put my mind at rest, but as I indicated, when I tried to obtain reassurance from them a few years ago, it wasn't as reassuring as I had hoped....!


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