VAT in Sage

VAT in Sage

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I have a Sage question which I am hoping you can help me with.

I have a client who uses Sage to produce her VAT returns and is cash accounting, I have checked the setting in Sage and this is set up correctly.

Each year when I produce her accounts I check the last VAT return to the 3 VAT codes on the TB which always agree to the liability. This year this balance does not agree by approximately £1000.

I have confirmed that the B/F agrees. I have run the VAT return for all the quarters for this year and each quarter there is a different difference. My client confirms that she has not changed the way she posts to Sage and I can not see any rogue entries and the data is not corrupted.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening?  


Replies (3)

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By johndon68
30th Oct 2014 08:13

Cash Accounting

On Cash Accounting, whilst the return obviously picks up receipts & payments, the Tax Control Accounts are still updated when invoices are saved regardless of whether they are paid or not so, unless every invoice is paid, I would not expect the VAT Return to agree with the Tax Control Accounts.



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By DMGbus
30th Oct 2014 08:33

VAT creditor reconciliation

In cash accounting cases I like to produce a reconciliation along the following lines:

£ 2,000.00   VAT liability per cash a/c basis VAT return

£   500.00    add VAT included in debtors

£  (400.00)   deduct VAT included in creditors

----------------  ------------------------------------- 

£ 2,100.00   Net VAT liability


Then Sage NL accounts 2200, 2201, 2202 should net off to the figure arrived at above.

Thanks (1)
By saima wahid
31st Oct 2014 11:15


Many thanks for your help.

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