Sage Line 100 Query

Sage Line 100 Query

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My client is looking at the possibility of migrating (slowly) from a dos version of Line 100.

We are exploring whether we can implement a 32 bit windows system for order taking through to invoicing, then exporting sales invoices and importing them into Sage 100.

Theirs is a busy environment taking some 30-50 orders (and invoices) per day.

Is it possible to import this sort of data into Sage 100 or should they take the plunge and switch systems entirely, all at the same time?
Martin Lea

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By AnonymousUser
20th Oct 2004 17:07

SOP input to Line 100
We use a package that sits on top of Line 100. We enter 100+ orders, etc. through the system per day which generate invoices that then run through the Line 100 Sales Ledger. It's supplied by:
Sapphire Manufacturing Systems Limited
Unit A Tayside Software Centre
Dundee Technology Park
Tel 01382 598485
Fax 01382 598465
(the link to their web site returns an error to me so I won't include it)
It's not necessarily cheap, but it is an MRP system. Your Sage Reseller ought to be able to help you out (and ther is always Line 100's SOP system)

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