Small company - employees criteria

Small company - employees criteria

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Is the employee criteria for small companies based on absolute employee numbers or full time equivalents. Companies House told me that if the company had below 50 full time employees then this criteria would be met, but I am not convinced.
The company is small by turnover but not by balance sheet size. Therefore definition of employees comes into play.


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Euan's picture
By Euan MacLennan
04th Mar 2009 12:58

Total numbers
Both s.247(6) CA 1985 and s.382(6) CA 2006 say:

"The number of employees means the average number of persons employed by the company in the year ..."

CA 2006 goes on to specify the method as "find for each month in the financial year the number of persons employed under contracts of service by the company in that month (whether throughout the month or not)", add them up and divide by 12. The rule was much the same under CA 1985.

Part-timers are employed under contracts of service. There is no mention of "full-time equivalents", which I believe is a term used in the NHS. You must count the total number of employees, however part-time.

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