Very hypothetical - carbon accountancy ?

Very hypothetical - carbon accountancy ?

Didn't find your answer?

Recent news items suggest Govt. interest in "personal carbon credits" - might this become a "real" accountancy issue ?

(e.g recent item on R4 Today programme ...)

Additionally, if this did come to pass, I see a fertile area for disputes when people are using vehicles for business use or personal use - presumably using a car for business use would use up the business's carbon allocation - but how does the business acquire credits ?

And what's to stop people setting up several "businesses" and using credits from each of them to circumvent personal limits ...?

As I said, rather hypothetical, but surely the same kind of accountancy skills would be required ...?
Mike Whittaker

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By User deleted
09th Jun 2008 20:45

What a waste of time
I sincerely hope that this isn't the case. Has everyone been completely been brainwashed on this issue!

Yes I don't want to overly pollute the planet, but this simplistic idea that carbons are the direct cause of global warming is ludicrous.

So many companies are just picking up on it as a pure marketing tactic for a gullible public.

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