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Do you get it?

13th Mar 2013
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At this is a question we are increasingly asking and we are now finding that more and more business leaders do 'get it'.

...and yes we are talking about cloud based services and solutions.

After years of hesitation,businesses are beginning to embrace this technology which means that the data is stored off site in 'someone else's' data warehouse alongside the data of any number of other individuals and companies.

The most recent development is cloud based software-computer programs such as those on the site which can be used to run your company and accessed through the internet on virtual desktops.

Initially businesses were slow to wholeheartedly switch to cloud based systems because of security fears;but things are changing as  business decision makers now understand that there is a way of working differently and more effectively from a traditional on-site IT business model.

Alongside associated technology-think i-pads and i-phones people realise that these systems and technology do work and should be embraced.

Also;as companies/businesses upgrade/change their software there is a move to cloud based solutions as they appreciate its greater efficiencies and effectiveness.

Overall- if you get it-cloud is the way forward and at we continue to assess and promote solutions that work for our customers.


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