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4th Dec 2012
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Kashoo is a nice accounting software for start-ups and small businesses  who do not deal with inventory and maintain few contacts. Reports are decent and allow you to drill down and are accurate.

Kashoo offers multi-currency, but like in most online accounting suites, there is no way to track multi-currency balances, but are rather converted to base currency.

Getting Started

Kashoo getting started is an easy todo item and welcomes you with YouTube video guides. It also incorporates great navigation, having all menu items on the left side bar.

Dashboard is unique. Honestly, it is the first time we came across such a user interface. Looks good. However, distinguishing between “Enter Income” and “Enter Invoice” fractures kashoo from general accounting and such deviations are common among online invoicing or accounting programs as we observe. User management in Kashoo is very basic, and you cannot create custom roles to control relevant sections, but rather define users as “View/Edit”, “View only”, and “No Access”.

Adding Contacts

We started off adding Customers and....

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