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Mind over matter

19th Jan 2014
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I went to Bikram yoga today and I’m starting to do sit ups rather than the easy role over to your side and get up if you have a bad back. But it was hard work and I really had to force myself to do them.  That’s the thing with a lot of stuff though.  I want to lose a bit of weight but that involves cutting down on eating for which I still have not found the will power to do but I know I can do it.  Same goes for starting my practice and working for myself.  I keep thinking am I good enough?  Have I got everything I need to start practicing? I want to get processes and standard templates set up before I start marketing and looking for clients.  But am I just looking for excuses to delay starting up? 

Then I think do I really want to start work? I want to spend time with my girls and until they are in full time school but is that just another excuse not to start marketing or look for more work.  I read an article in the guardian a while ago saying being a mum is not the most important job in the world.  My first instinct was yeah it’s not a job! But then maybe I have been taking myself too seriously.  I’ve been going on about how hard my life is and how much work I have to do looking after two kids.  Maybe I needed to give myself that self-importance to get me through the first year but I do think I need to get back to reality now and pull my socks up and do some work and earn some money!  Starting tomorrow….


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Red Leader
By Red Leader
20th Jan 2014 11:45

you are working!

Looking after two children before they are in full time school is a lot of (unpaid) work. Don't beat yourself up! Presumably you're also doing most of the housework as well.

Leave paid work until they're in year 1, unless it's something that just falls into your lap.

That's my advice anyway.

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By accountantmum
20th Jan 2014 11:58

Being a mum is a job!

I agree with Red Leader.  Being a mum is an awful lot of hard work so doing any kind of paid work on top of that is a feat on its own!  I'm thinking about going into the job market now and my two girls are 5 and 8 years old - and I still don't want a full-time job, part-time would suit me fine.

Enjoy your children now and treasure these moments as the time soon passes...

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By lizziemini
20th Jan 2014 14:34

Paying the mortgage....

Be nice to not work, if you can afford it.  Sadly we are not all in that position.  Trying to set up my own business - fighting with ACCA - running a house, a husband and 2 kids - just about enough to send you over the edge.

Dependent on your qualifications make sure you have the paperwork in place and know what you are getting yourself into.

I'm trying to get it right from the set off - but it is still a challenge.


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By Rachael White
20th Jan 2014 15:14

Great blog

Cutting down on food, etc, isn't as hard as you think! MyFitnessPal has worked wonders for me  in keeping track of my daily calories, etc - and we're reviewing this and many other fitness/health apps all this month

Love reading your blogs. Keep up the good work! 

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Heather Townsend - accountant's coach
By Heather Townsend
22nd Jan 2014 20:07

work/life balance doesn't just happen
I started my firm when my kids were 1 and 2. Now that they are 6 & 8, I look back at the time when they were young and wondered how I did it all.

It is only now that they are both at school and I feel that the firm is properly established that I am feeling more confident to take the foot off the marketing gas for my firm.

I'm waffling a bit, but the point I want to make is that focusing on what you want to happen in all aspects of your life will take continual time and effort. However, that effort can be very rewarding both in the short and the long term.

Good luck with it all.

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