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Staff, who'd have them?

10th May 2012
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Up until now the team in my office have been looking fairly content. After all, in these difficult economic times they all still have jobs, and the trainees have had a small pay rise.

At least, until now. Unfortunately I can't block access to AccountingWEB and sooner or later someone is going to quote this latest article to me. Apparently "most" accountants had hoped for a 13.5% pay increase! Not down here in the West Country they didn't. And "basic pay" is now £59,900 on average, with bonuses of 17% of basic pay in 2011! I guess if you base a survey on the London staff of the Big Four firms you'd get something like this. Down here things are VERY different.

I remember settling down in this part of the country for the same reasons many of my team are still here - quality of life, lifestyle, environment, etc. Yes, they and I could go and seek better pay (and worse conditions) in Exeter, Bristol or even London - but we chose not to, and our incomes reflect that decision.

But at least my team enjoy job security, rewarding and very varied work, and potential to advance and expand their careers.

So I hope they stay, because if need to replace anyone and candidates and recruiters are expecting the sort of salary levels mentioned in this article, we're all in big trouble!


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David Winch
By David Winch
10th May 2012 19:21

Out of the way places

Like 'The Practitioner' I live and work outside the London area - in the Cumbrian Lake District. I would not swop it for the City life.

But because the type of work I do falls into a niche area I do sometimes have to work away from home, be it in Hull, London, Wolverhampton (yesterday), or even Truro (last month).

But thanks to the internet and other technology I find it is increasingly the case that I can do the work from here.

Thank goodness!


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