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What a difference these make.

28th Feb 2015
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Just a quick post today - I had been putting off getting new reading glasses for ages. My previous pair were the first I had ever needed, and were quite a low strength. It is only now I have got the new glasses I discover how bad my eyes had got. I realised I was putting off reading the paper, and not doing piano practice, because I couldn't really see properly. Never mind the effect on working.

The moral of this story - make time in your busy life to look after your health - here's to fewer headaches now.


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Man of Kent
By Kent accountant
28th Feb 2015 19:15

Sounds familiar

I finally got my first pair of reading glasses just over 2 years ago after months of sore eyes and headaches.

Glasses took a little bit of getting used to but now its automatic to put them on for PC work, reading and cutting my finger nails!

I often delay going to see the doctor but I think that's a man thing.

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