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SAPA's Audit Reports

25th Jul 2011
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We found that SAPA's Audit Reports do not comply with the FRC bulletin for accounts with year ends after 23 March 2011 - pretty much all the audits now being done!

Sage have come up with excuses, such as needing to get their iXBRL working first.  They now seem to imply it's not a priority as apparently not many of their customers would need this report!

I feel they could have easily updated the software in the three weeks they have been making excuses!

Sage have said I can paste a correct Audit Report in every set of accounts we do.

They agree they advertise SAPA will produce 'compliant accounts within minutes', but say this covers pasting a new Audit Report in first.

Is there anyone else experiencing this problem?

What are you doing about it?  Have you spoken to Sage and what response, if any, have you got.

Your views please.


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John Stokdyk, AccountingWEB head of insight
By John Stokdyk
26th Jul 2011 08:38

Thanks for the post

I hope that other members will come forward and offer their perspectives on the problems you've been facing, but have also cross-posted your comments into our Sage Practice Solutions discussion group, where there will be a higher proportion of fellow SAPA users.

Do come and join that group to share ideas and experiences with the full suite of Sage practice products. We hope that the other members will come to your aid.

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