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All dressed up and nowhere to go

4th Jan 2011
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So like many practices we still have quite a proportion of our annual tax return quota in progress to some degree or other, and a small but worrying number not yet started.

But at least we were prepared this year - we have drafted in a couple of extra people and redeployed some of the corporate accounts team to get the unincorporated accounts finished. The only snag is that we're a little short of things for them to do!

As always, the problem is not our ability to get the work done it's the pesky clients who are either incapable of sending in their books on time, or can't be bothered to sign documents and send them back. We still have dozens of completed returns out there across the West Country and beyond, simply waiting for clients to take some interest in their tax affairs and sign the returns we sent them last year!

I am just hoping it's down to the long Christmas break and that the work will start to come in over the next few days. If it stays quiet for much longer I might even have to finish off my own return!


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