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Tax Insider Tips: New Landlords’ Tax Pack 2017-18

24th Apr 2017
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This is it...

...we’ve spent the last few weeks updating our tax guides and they are now ready to go.

It is the one product that our subscribers and customers eagerly await!

Today we have officially launched…

** Landlords’ Tax Pack 2017-18 **

The aim is simple - to help make this year your most profitable and lowest tax-paying year ever!

We know landlords are facing big tax challenges ahead but our updated four guide pack will help you to maximise the tax saving opportunities.

We’re running a special launch offer for our subscribers where you will save 30%.

If you want all of the latest landlord/property tax busting tips, strategies and secrets to legitimately beat the taxman then just go here...

>> New Landlords’ Tax Pack 2017-18

Landlords' Tax Pack (New 2017-18 Edition)
