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Accountants sceptical over diversity schemes. By Dan Martin

16th Mar 2006
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The majority of accountants are unconvinced that initiatives promoting diversity are having any effect on creating a varied workforce in their company, new research claims.

Just 35% of the accountants polled by financial recruitment firm Hewitson Walker felt formal diversity schemes were having a positive effect on the business they worked for.

Although 85% said diversity was a highly desirable aim, three quarters believed the only reason managers promote it is because they fear prosecution under anti-discrimination laws.

Another half backed the view that schemes are set up just to generate good PR, while only 29% were convinced their company management had a genuine commitment to creating a diverse workforce at all levels.

One chartered accountant who responded to the survey said 'We've got a programme, which is supposed to ensure that we're recruiting people from all different types of backgrounds and ethnic groups yet practically everyone at senior level is still white, middle class and male. Where's the diversity in that?'

Similarly, a female management accountant for an investment bank commented: 'There's supposed to be a level playing field here, but the only women who really get on are those who are willing to forego a family and commit completely to the bank.'

'There's obviously a degree of cynicism about how committed large companies are to diversity because power in these institutions often still resides in the hands of a markedly un-diverse group,' said Phillip Attenborough, from Hewitson Walker.

'However anyone who thinks that they are not committed to changing this in the medium to long-term is kidding themselves. Organisations of this size and scope aren't doing this for any fluffy, altruistic reasons. They know that there is a compelling business case for mirroring an increasingly varied customer-base.'


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