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Pegasus launches Opera II Version 3

25th Dec 2005
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Softworld ZonePegasus will be introducing Version 3 of its Opera II accounting application at Softworld Accounting & Finance on 3-4 March.

The full Windows Opera II implementation has overtaken the original Opera modular accounting application to become the flagship product in the Pegasus portfolio.

In addition to better management reporting and instant messaging facilities, new modules have been added to Version 3's accounting, distribution, payroll and HR functions.

"Today's users are demanding a raft of value-added capabilities from their core financial application. Not only does it need to be able to deal with complex accounting transactions, but it needs to have the ability to seamlessly integrate with other core business applications such as payroll and HR," said Pegasus managing director Gary Turner.

"We have responded to these needs with the release of Opera II Version 3."

Among the new modules within the suite are:

  • A Bill of Materials to manage manufacturing processes such as structure assembly, including picking lists and progress reports
  • Upgrades to HR and Payroll to simplify NIC and pension payments as well as handling electronic submission of year-tax returns online.

    In a Q&A interview with AccountingWEB, Turner said he was particularly proud of the "deep integration" with Excel that Opera II provides through its XRL reporting tools. Opera II was the first product of its kind to pioneer this approach, which "is something that many FDs are now telling us they couldn't live without", he claimed.

    More nominal dimensions have been added to the reporting module, which has also been given a new, intuitive interface. "We've found that 'better reporting' means different things to different people. Opera II Version 3 brings powerful functions that allow our users to easily manipulate and work with large volumes of financial data, possibly spanning several years, in a single, common interface that anyone could pick up and learn to use in a matter of seconds," Turner added.

    "We have invested significantly in ensuring that Opera II Version 3 meets the needs of our existing and prospective customers. It is indisputably one of the most functionally rich solutions available to the SME today; and crucially it is fully customisable and modular so users can select and tailor components to match their current business model. It remains a cost effective solution and one that can generate a rapid return on investment."

    For more information about Pegasus and its products, visit the company's special Softworld page on

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