Any alternatives to HDUK?

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Hello all

Further to my post from a week or so ago, HDUK finally acknowledged our complaint but refused even a minimal amount of compensation.  So we're on the hook for our client's late filing fees, and HDUK won't reimburse us even that token amount.  This is disappointing given our 6+ year history with them, and having spent upwards of £30,000 on their services over that period, you'd think they'd try a little harder?  I've been told by them that their reason is that they 'don't want to set a precedent'.  The amount isn't so much the problem, as clearly we can afford it, but rather what their actions tell me about their service offering.  

Firstly, that even when their service falls short, that they won't stand behind their own mistakes in any meaningful way.

More worryingly, it appears as though that I can't 100% rely on their service when I need it most.

Unsurprisingly, I'm now looking for alternatives.   Does anyone use any other desktop hosting provider that isn't owned by IRIS that they would recommend?

We are a team of 7 or 8 people, and use TaxCalc, MS Exchange, some Sage, and BrightPay, with just about everything else cloud-based.

Replies (2)

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11th May 2021 20:36

I have a fantastic contact for you. Email me on [email protected]

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Elliott Chandler Picture
By elliottchandler
12th May 2021 01:05

There are a good many alternatives. I would look at all that is on offer, connectivity, security, collaboration and good old fashion working partnership.

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