Closing down a company

No need for the gain to go on the tax return

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A company has a final balance sheet as follows and is closing down. There are two equal shareholders.

Fixed assets £2,000

Cash £43,000

Creditors (£20,000)

Net assets £25,000

Share capital £1,000

Retained profits £24,000

Total equity £25,000

A distribution for £24k is treated as a capital distribution (since this does not exceed £25k). So £12k each plus a repayment of capital of £500 each.

There is no CGT to pay since the gain is covered by the annual exemption. This disposal does not go on the tax return.

Please advise if this looks correct. I assume that the shareholders take the distribution as a combination of cash and the fixed assets (computers)? Thanks

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blue sheep
24th May 2019 07:26

looks right to me, with 2 comments - fixed assets should be taken at market value not book value, CG pages on SATR might be required depending on other CG during the year (personally I always include a CG page even if below the annual exemption)
Also watch out for any distributions made in anticipation of striking off (paying a dividend to get it below 25k).

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By Wilson Philips
24th May 2019 08:44

How do you propose to legally repay the share capital?

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Replying to Wilson Philips:
By Matrix
24th May 2019 09:14

My understanding is that a return of capital is not a distribution, please would you expand on your point. Thanks

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Replying to Matrix:
By Wilson Philips
24th May 2019 09:28

My point is that, legally, one cannot simply repay share capital. The practical treatment often overlooks the legalities though!

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