Form 17 Rejected by HMRC as not dated

Form 17 rejected by HMRC one day before the 60 day time limit

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A Deed of Assignment was signed and dated on 1st August and the Form 17 was signed by both parties at the same time but was not dated.

Deed and Form 17 sent to HMRC by recorded delievery on  8th September and returned by HMRC with a letter dated 29th September received on 4th October rejecting Form 17 as it was not dated. Obviously the 4th October was outside the 60 day timelimit.

Form 17 was dated and sent back to HMRC on 4th October saying it was signed on 1st August at the same time as the Deed but this has been rejected by HMRC on 17th October as it was received outside the 60 day time limit. 

HMRC refer me to TSEM9862 and TSEM9870 which does say check the Form17 is signed and dated

What are readers views on this? Is it worth appealing or do we just make another declaration having drawn up a slightly amended new deed of assignment and make sure in future everything has a date!

Replies (3)

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By Duggimon
23rd Oct 2017 11:33

It might be highly pedantic but HMRC aren't wrong, the completed form wasn't sent to them on time. I would just draw up the new form and chalk it up to experience.

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By lionofludesch
23rd Oct 2017 11:40

Schoolboy error but I'm afraid you'll just need to go through the process again.

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By Marion Hayes
25th Jun 2018 11:37

Can't reassign as already assigned. Just get a new form 17 signed today and send in again with existing deed.
They do not need to match, date wise

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