Hmrc haven't made it easy.

Moving of agent services haven't been clear

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Logged in to government gateway today to check whether a client authorisation had been assigned to a team member, to be met with a vague explanation that some services have moved. 

I had to search the Internet for a partially incorrect example of how to access client lists. 

For those that don't know, hmrc in their ever infinite wisdom have decided to hide the client list under team members link in our agent tax accounts. 

Why can't we just have a client list link visable in the menu? 

More of a rant than a question. 

Replies (4)

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By bernard michael
09th Oct 2018 10:12

Because they can't

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By timothyvogel
09th Oct 2018 10:41

and the reason they can't is?

I suspect because it never occurred to them to ask the soft developers for that ability. And that is because the have no business experience, especially at the small firm end of the market.

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By SteveHa
09th Oct 2018 10:52

I learned this last week after what would have been an hour of pulling my hair out if it hadn't fallen out of its own accord when I was married.

I eventually got through to online services helpdesk who talked me through it.

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By alan.rolfe
09th Oct 2018 15:24

In summary it is now...
Sign in
Manage account (top right)
Manage Team Access (middle left)
Clients (tab)
Can be edited by (dropdown - pick Nobody(unassigned))
Manage team members

Job done. Easy.
MTD should be a walk in the park in comparison!

Thanks (3)