HMRC Tax Return Guide

HMRC Tax Return Guide

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What on earth have HMRC done to the SA Tax Return Guide? You know, the big fat book.

Since SA came in, the big book (& the slimmer volumes for PShips & Trusts) has been an invaluable help to a busy practitioner.

The 2007/08 version is a complete pigs ear - all of the Help Sheets have gone (they are now available separately from the Orderline or of course - online), & its printed on cheapo paper using a larger less friendly typeface & size.

This was a book I'd have paid good money for in the past.

And they have to go & ruin it.

Ronnie Stanley

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By cstax
29th Mar 2008 10:55

Yeah, know what you mean

But have you seen the draft Tax Return.....separate Tax Calculation sheet

No wonder they are phasing out Paper Returns...


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