How do I follow a company on Companies House?

How do I follow a company on Companies House?

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How do I follow a company on Companies House?

I'm already following a lot of companies but I want to follow another one.

I get this message: "Existing WebFiling and WebCHeck users must re-register"

Why are they making it more hassle? It seems to be all government department's preferred option.


Replies (3)

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By stepurhan
27th Aug 2021 12:06

If you have a smartphone, the Companies House app allows you to favourite as many companies as you like. This doesn't provide automatic updates, but it allows you can see upcoming deadlines at a glance from the favourite list. Not sure if that is enough for your purposes.

It has never required a login in the past. I just tried adding a new company to my list before posting and that is still the case.

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By Wanderer
27th Aug 2021 12:12

Fairly easy to register new type account, been like that for a few years.

Just need to register on the link at the top of

Then add companies using the 'Follow this company' links.

You get an email every time anything is filed for the companies you are following.

Thanks (1)
By SteveHa
27th Aug 2021 12:22

You appear to be confusing Co's House with Facebook and Twitter.

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