How to deal with bulk receipts?

How to match receipts to bank in bulk?

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I am looking for a solution to my bookkeeping. I have looked for software to help me with that, but some don't do the job and others are way too expensive!

I have hundreds of receipts that are scanned and stored on my PC.

- I need a software to read them and categorise in batches (not one by one). I will then need to export those expenses if using another software.

- Then I need to match to my bank transactions. The amounts that are not in the bank statements I need to batch categorise to Cash payments. (most software requires to categorise method of payment first, before matching with bank. I dont know how I paid, if its not in the bank, then its cash!)

- I then need to export all transactions to my accounting software (WAVE).

This seems to be such basic bookkeeping procedures, but many software over complicate things.

Can someone advise on which software(s) to use that do the job quickly and don't cost too much?

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