Late filing penalty appeals

Still no word from HMRC

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I have several appeals against late Tax Return filing penalties which are now about 3 months old and on which I have heard absolutely nothing from HMRC. I specifically asked that everything is put on hold until sorted but again, that has been ignored with clients getting further notices advising about daily penalties etc. The appeals are mainly due to severe health problems both physical and mental but not even this has galvanised HMRC into any sort of action.

Is everyone else in the same boat?

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By gainsborough
17th Jul 2019 18:09

Codling, have you tried calling the agent's line? They will usually be able to tell you whether the letters have been logged as received and whether anyone is in the process of looking at them. I have in the past got them to put an "urgent" note on the system if clients have health issues, which may speed things up.

Unfortunately, it is not unusual for there to be several months of backlog with post at HMRC's end.

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