must all emails to a closed group be BCC

Do emails to a group eg Trustees/ volunteers have to be sent as blind copies?

Didn't find your answer?

I am involved with a couple of small charities and the message being given is that all emails to the trustees and volunteers must be sent to oneself and blind copied to the other members of the group/trustees. This seems impractible for the efficient sharing of information and email discussion.   It is clear that personal data should not be shared in this way.

Surely consent of all members/volunteers/trustees should allow group emails to be sent as CC. Does anyone have a policy or information on sharing emails amongst closed groups.

Many Thanks




Replies (5)

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Scalloway Castle
By scalloway
04th May 2018 08:31

I am a trustee/ committee member of several groups and charities. I guess it depends on the purpose of the email. As you say it makes discussion much easier if addresses are disclosed.

I do use BCC when I am sending emails to the general membership. There is no need for people who are being invited to a social event to know the email addresses of other members.

Thanks (1)
By atleastisoundknowledgable...
04th May 2018 09:03

I have a few charity clients to whom I circulate management accounts. They have created a ‘trustees@‘ email address which auto forwards to the individuals.

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By ireallyshouldknowthisbut
04th May 2018 09:15


as a rule of thumb, if you are BROADCASTING information, then BCC is the only option, or you are giving out people email addresses to others.

ie inviting volunteers to show up on day X, or thanking those who did show up

if you are DISCUSSING then you cc. Usually this would be a small number of recipients, eg 3-4 who crucially already know each other. Eg you have a group of 4 people who are discussing the next volunteering sesion with. Something like whatsapp might be more appropriate depending on the age group.

Thanks (1)
By WhichTyler
04th May 2018 10:10

it is probably good practice and practical to get permission from trustees to allow their email address to be shared with other trustees. if nothing else they should be able to discuss matters between themselves without having to go through the executive...

Thanks (1)
Replying to WhichTyler:
By WhichTyler
04th May 2018 10:11

It also means that you can tell if the exec have copied the right people in...

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