Old Accountingweb website

Sitemap - Oppurtunities / Supplies

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Hi all,


In the old website, there used to be a section for Oppurtunities/ Supplies which used to mainly deal with sale of practice etc.

Can anyone please guide me as to where that section is in the new website.


Thank you

Replies (3)

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By pacta
20th Jun 2016 14:25

Just like the usability, attractiveness, engagement and popularity of the site all of those features you mention have been put in the "to be rolled out later at some indefinite date" section of the web development roadmap.

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By petersaxton
21st Jun 2016 08:52

Accountingweb's philosophy is 10 steps back and one step forward - eventually!

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By Annie5
21st Jun 2016 09:21

Why fix something which ain't broke !! I liked the old website, at least everything was there and easy To find and the font is too big in this new one.
Colleague of mine is struggling to update his password and email address as well.

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