Where on our Client's tax return do we declare disguised remuneration received from an employer in the year ended 5th April 20?
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Deemed payment?
This, or next year, will be the first for us IR35 virgins, deciding whether to carry on with new-to-IR35 contractor clients.
[Presume it can be put anywhere, it surely just depends on the disguise available to it.]
Surely this is the most likely route:
The phantom "anon" strikes again,.
no info, no edits, no point!
My guess is it was £25,000 in coppers loaded on the back of a transit.
Either that or the business bought the tax payer's bit on the side a car and holiday.
Rather depends on what the remuneration was disguised as and how good the disguise was.
If it was disguised as a publican or a butcher I would put it in self employed income (unless it was two butchers when it would go in partnerships).
If it was disguised as a shifty looking foreigner I would put it in foreign income.
If it was disguised as an attractive young lady wearing a short dress, I wouldn't put it in the tax return at all, I'd take it out for a drink.
I have no idea what you do "Anonymous" but could I have a few hours of your time and expertise for nothing. Thought not. Get yourself an accountant and pay him.
Hey, Hey, My, My (c) Neil Young ... out of the blue and into the black.
Have you really never given up "a few hours of your time and expertise for nothing"?