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Obfuscation seems the best way to describe the last 2 hours of Mr Green's evidence (I missed the earlier 4 hours) and that of Mr Chappelle.
Presumably the truth is somewhere in the middle. Let's face it, BHS was not in the best of health when it was sold, and if Green couldn't save it why should a non retailer even try.
I assume the property income came in very handy to Chappell. Green is shrewd enough to know that Chappell was going to make a pigs ear of things.
You could argue "that's business" (although I don't know anyone in business as dodgy as this lot).
I think govt really must pass some more stringent legislation about how pension funds should be kept topped up before dividends are taken and they should do that sooner than later, before other companies with big deficits go under.
For Green to say he had no idea as to the pension liability within BHS is bizarre.
FRS17 requires such liabilities to be stated within the balance sheet and for somebody in his position to claim he didn't see liabilities of tens or hundreds of millions in the balance sheet is just not credible.
Two things stuck me about this hearing and the earlier one with Mike Ashley.
The first is how powerful and arrogant these people think are that they can sit in front a government select committee and quite frankly take the [***] out of them.
The second is how detached from the practices and greed of modern big business these modern career politicians are.
If Green is prepared to cough up £275m that he has no legal obligation to pay out to "sort it out" I suspect its to nip in the bud any [***] storm that is coming his way as I suspect if some serious digging was done into the whole affair I doubt he would come out smelling of roses.
Surely these committees should be led by people who actually know the mechanics of big business and have the ability to come up with some answers that actually get somewhere.
I suspect the only outcome that will happen from this enquiry is that 20000 will still have no jobs, and will be thrown a few peanuts as compensation for the pension they paid into for years, whereas Green and his cronies will carry on to rape business proceeds to offshore accounts un checked and un taxed with full protection from the people that award him his Knighthood.