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No more cash

28th Jul 2014
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The petty cash boxes have been removed from the office and the money paid back into the bank.  From now on we are going to buy office essentials in advance and have them delivered.  And if anyone wants to buy a pint of milk, or some stamps, and we don’t have any, they will have to reclaim that on expenses.

It’s very sad that we’re having to do this, but it’s essential.

After CP’s nephew did the right thing and reported to his uncle that his “friend” Stu had stolen the cash from Mrs Dragon’s box, said friend’s friends started sending him text messages and Facebook posts threatening to do all sorts of violent things to him and his family.  He went straight to the police, who’ve advised him to close his Facebook account, get a new phone, and install safety measures at home.  The family’s now got burglar alarms and a big Alsatian.

It turned out that the thief had also come back late at night, disarmed our burglar alarm, picked the lock on the main office door, and then had ample time to rifle through drawers and work out the combination of my cash box.  That’s where the other £20 went.

We have a new improved burglar alarm system now, which automatically alerts the police if it’s set off or tampered with.  And we have fitted extra locks to the doors.

Sadly, as well as dispensing with the cash boxes, we’re also having to think about whether to have a policy restricting family and friends’ access to the office.  We really don’t want a repeat of this episode, not least for the sake of the health and well-being of our staff and their families.  CP’s nephew is a nervous wreck now, according to his uncle – he’s not sleeping, will hardly eat, and jumps at the slightest noise, because he’s afraid of what Stu’s friends will do to him.  I know that’s not our fault, but we don’t want anyone else to have to go through that.


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Replies (7)

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By Samantha20
28th Jul 2014 11:44

What a nightmare


Why aren't the police doing anything about the threatening messages?



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By B Roberts
28th Jul 2014 11:54

My personal opinion .....
.... is that this issue has not been handled well from the beginning, and continues to be handled badly.

It seems to me that on discovery of the discrepancy the companies management immediately came to the conclusion that one of their staff was a thief.

When the thief was eventually identified, the management responded by removing the cash box - thereby "punishing" the staff.

Why is the box being removed ? - is it to remove temptation from staff and/or visitors, or to ensure that another £20 will not be stolen if somebody happens to break into the premises ?

This could be interpreted that you do not trust your staff, who have done nothing to warrant such dis-trust.

Or it is to deter burglars ? - if so, will you be removing all other valuable items (such as IT equipment etc) so that they will not be stolen ? - if not, why not ?

And of course staff should not be bringing their family and friends into the office out of hours (why would this be necessary ?) - especially if it is somebodys nephews drug addict friend (I still can't work out why somebody would take their nephew and his friend (drug addict or not) to their place of work outstide of work hours) - again, this was done by a member of senior management and now the other employees will be subject to a change in policy that did not even affect them in the first place !

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By k743snx
28th Jul 2014 12:56


"Why aren't the police doing anything about the threatening messages"?

Because the police are a waste of space (and money).

The weekend before last, I stayed at a respectable-looking chain hotel in Wiltshire. Late Friday afternoon it was obvious there was a wedding party arriving. I heard nothing more about it until 1am when all hell broke loose - shouting, bawling and all manner of language being used. I understand from what I heard at breakfast that the police had been called but this met with only a cursory response - what about affray, breach of the peace, etc? The hotel staff didn't want to get involved anyway, and I suppose this kind of business is too good to turn down, even if the rabble end up inconveniencing others who just want a good night's sleep.

Another recent example was in our local press - and more relevant to what the FC is talking about. An accounts clerk thieved about 6k from the transport company she worked for, but was spared jail on account of her kids - I can't prove that she knew all along this would happen, but if so, then it's no deterrent.

In summary - we have enough laws in this country, let's bloody well start enforcing them!

Rant over.






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By User deleted
28th Jul 2014 13:25

Why ...

... just take £20 though - seems a lot of trouble, why not clear the box out.


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Replying to Matrix:
By User deleted
28th Jul 2014 13:49


Old Greying Accountant wrote:

... just take £20 though - seems a lot of trouble, why not clear the box out.

And nick some equipment while you're at it - if he's gone to the trouble of breaking in separately then why only take £20? He's obviously not bothered about his 'friend' who took him there in the first place so keeping it secret isn't a major issue, particularly given the separate break-in. And as druggies tend not to be the most rational people on the planet you'd think that an all-out 'make some serious cash to fund the habit' theft would be in order.

I don't think the person writing these stories has thought them through properly. The plot has more holes than a factory full of polo mints...

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Routemaster image
By tom123
28th Jul 2014 21:53

we don't use petty cash - and I don't miss it one bit.

We don't use petty cash - milk is delivered, and everything else (coffee, tea, toilet rolls) is bought by me on the credit card from Tesco.

I must say I really don't miss balancing up the tin.

Staff expenses are claimed along with payroll. That is great as it makes it a once a month activity.

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By paulwakefield1
29th Jul 2014 09:10

What a useless rant

Really k743nx, if you're going to have a rant, make it a good 'un. "Noisy wedding party - police fail to jail the lot". Gordon Bennett. Very annoying for sure but the police have better things to do. Probably no one wanted to make a big deal out of it by the time they arrived anyway. The hotel wouldn't want the publicity and the guests had probably calmed down.

And it's not the police's fault the accounts clerk wasn't jailed.


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