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27th Jul 2022
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Please allow me the luxury of self-indulgence. Most of the content in this blog is stating the obvious. It helps me.

The nature of work we do involves a considerable amount of time sitting. Those with a sit/stand desk, probably are sitting less and standing up to work. 

The human body is meant to move. It does not give good feedback for lack of physical activity for long periods. Being less active is terrible for health and productivity. 

As we age, the importance of being physically active becomes even more important since older bodies have difficulties in compensating for deficiencies.

I do not know the age profile of the AW community. I think, there is a larger proportion in the higher age group. I gained this information, by reading Any Answers. 


The objective is not so much to achieve that physique that would turn heads. Some of us, have passed that stage. 

The aim is to be active in order that we remain fully mobile for as long as possible, avoid old age-related diseases for some time and remain independent. 


My activity is cycling. More recently, I have started to stand when I work.  It has improved my productivity. 

I am also looking into buying an electric bike. The plan is to cycle longer distances. I will keep the level of assistance at a minimum level. I would increase the assistance when going over steep hills. 

I have decided on the bike now, after days of watching YouTube on E-bikes. To the extent, that it became a distraction from work. 


As I age, I need to be even more active. What I am doing is not enough. You know how it is, when it is time to lift those dumbbells, the brain comes up with such good excuses, to do something that is just too tempting.  

Resistance exercises are of great value as we age. It needs to be consistent and not one-off as I am currently. 

Better work

Physical activity is good for the mind and body. It improves productivity and makes a person feel better. Noted. 

How do you keep active?


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