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Season of goodwill ? More like season of work !

21st Dec 2017
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The best part about December as the so-called "season of goodwill" approaches is that people tend to be more relaxed and apparently more inclined to leave off from imposing deadlines on counter-parties. One even sees "out of office" messages advising that people are hibernating until the end of the first week in January, if you actually believe  that they can avoid sneaking a  peep at their smartphone.

I spend most of my work time talking to accountants and from my experience it seems that a fair few of them are at work , and I mean in the office , during the festive period. Perhaps they are lonely or don't enjoy being closeted with their nearest and dearest or perhaps it's not part of their culture or perhaps they can't cope with their workload.

As for me, I am relishing getting oodles of stuff done that has been saved up for this period , simply because everybody else thinks I am not working so leaves me alone, but nobody knows that I am actually at work , even at the office, but keep it under your hat please.

So that's the difference nowadays ? People are working but only doing the things that do not require contacting (disturbing?) others. After all , who'd admit to not being on holiday at this time of the year ?

It's called progress, apparently.



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