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Tax Insider Tip: How to Maximise CGT Main Residence Relief

18th May 2018
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In this month’s issue of Property Tax Insider, Alan Pink has written an article that has struck a real chord with our readers.

Probably because it is such a powerful tax reduction strategy.

As most people know, if one sells their main residence, there is no CGT liability if it has always been classed as their main residence.

Furthermore, if a property has been classed as a main residence for any period of time, it still gives the seller a significant CGT saving.

However, what is not so well understood is that this relief can make further savings in much less straightforward situations.

These are situations that often get overlooked and means a person misses out on potentially huge tax saving opportunities.

Don’t forget as part of our 'three-free-issue' Property Tax Insider trial, you'll get Alan’s insider tips on maximising CGT relief plus 11 more delivered to your doorstep.


Go here to learn more:

>> Proactive Planning To Get CGT Main Residence Relief

Property Tax Insider 3 free Issue


Happy Tax Saving!

Amer Siddiq,
