and under the heading "Disclosure of related party transactions" - the last bullet point says sufficient disclosure should always be provided for "the expense recognised during the period for any bad or doubtful debts due from related parties"
seems like it should be included in my related party note...
My answers
Thank you.
I found this link -
and under the heading "Disclosure of related party transactions" - the last bullet point says sufficient disclosure should always be provided for "the expense recognised during the period for any bad or doubtful debts due from related parties"
seems like it should be included in my related party note...
Yes quite material
Would it then be easier and less hassle if we prepare FRS 105 Accounts, as this company meets two of the three requirements for FRS 105.
I believe FRS 105 accounts for the share options when they are issued as share capital right? so no need to make any changes currently...
The Share options i'm dealing with are EMI & Unapproved...
Can you let me know what the tax implications are to share options?