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This is horrific stuff, I dont think the penny has dropped that these marxist ideological driven policies are going to damage commerce and society.
Already ive seen businesses publishing with glee and fanfare, that after re-engineering their top team, they now have a pay gap, which is 15% in favour of women, hurrah! Surely the aim (in such a perverted aspiration) is zero % pay gap? Anyone with half a brain cell realises that pay gaps are due to multiple reasons, to be simplified as the government is trying to do will wreak havoc, the worst I see possible is terrible employers , slashing the pay of men, taking the opportunity and heralding its now in line pay gap.
The country yearns for some leadership and an end to this post modern/marxism thats pervading our government,.media and universities.
One agrees that there is a problem in some places but I would be surprised if it didn't resolve itself given time. Where no resolution takes place people will do what they should have done in the first place - vote with their feet.
It isn't helped by the likes of the BBC paying silly salaries to people who are patently not worth it but even that works two ways.
There is a bit of a macho male tendency in bigger companies but I suspect it will change. I can't help noticing that in our profession and in the law there seem to be more females than males coming through and your columns suggest that the ladies are becoming more influential.
It has always seemed to me that people should be paid what they are worth irrespective of sex, background or ethnicity. All this Government interference does is create makework jobs that contribute nothing and cost a lot of money. But I suppose it keeps people off the dole which is presumably the intention as with the GDPR fiasco. We shall soon be hearing that there was a dip in production in May and early June for no apparent reason. Well we could suggest one couldn't we?
The other problem is that it inhibits paying people what they are worth to avoid comparisons so labour will move more often and the best will leave the country for a place that has a government that governs without its head stuck up an unmentionable place.
"the committee’s suggestion that the requirement to collect and report pay gap data in respect of disability and ethnicity be introduced by 2020." So now not only a gender pay gap but also a disability and ethnicity pay gap too. Why stop there? We can also have a graduate pay gap, a school leavers pay gap, people-past-retirement-but-still-working pay gap. Tractor production is up, comrades.
I don't have a problem with widening the reporting at all. We produced our stats last year even though we didn't have to (39 employees). It didn't take much time and it was illuminating (we weren't as fair as we'd thought we were going to be). I suspect the widening of reporting to include ethnicity and disability is going to be very interesting to people who have historically been discriminated against - although it may make uncomfortable reading for those who have benefitted from that discrimination in the past.
Why not an 'ability, commitment and experience pay gap'?
They could see if people of different ability, commitment and expereince were paid the same.
They'd probably find they weren't.