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Any Answers Answered: Transition profits and CIHC


TAXtv’s Giles Mooney and Tim Good tackle two questions from the pages of Any Answers, this month focusing on transition profits and close investment holding companies. 

12th Jul 2024
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To view the full questions and AccountingWEB readers’ answers click on the links below. To watch the video, click the play icon in the box above.

Which box to put transition profits adjustment?

The first question comes from Claudia Lowe, who writes, “Do you put the transition profit in box 68? On my software (BTC), it is the only box that will adjust box 73 to the correct figure.” 

However, HMRC notes state: “Box 68 If your basis period is not the same as your accounting period. You may have to add together the amounts of your accounting periods or apportion the total to work out your profit or loss for your basis period. Put any adjustments to your profit (box 64) or loss (box 65) in box 68. Do not include any transition profit or loss in this box.”

So what boxes should we be filling in as far as transitional adjustments are concerned? 

CIHC and associated companies

The second question comes from PJN, who asks a ‘double whammy’ question on close investment holding companies (CIHC) and associates. 

“We have a client who is the 100% shareholder of 2 companies (A Ltd and B Ltd). A Ltd is a trading company with a profitable trade. B Ltd owns a property which it rents on a commercial basis to A Ltd.”

The question they are really asking is, we have two associated companies so we’re dividing bands but a close investment holding company still pays at the main rate so is it two pieces of bad news?

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Replies (3)

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By leigh yvonne
23rd Jul 2024 11:50

HMRC owes my company money for Employer PAYE, as new employee was overcharged tax at previous company. Normally would deduct amount owed from my PAYE payment to HMRC, however this year don't have any PAYE payments due. How do i recover this money

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By leigh yvonne
23rd Jul 2024 11:50

HMRC owes my company money for Employer PAYE, as new employee was overcharged tax at previous company. Normally would deduct amount owed from my PAYE payment to HMRC, however this year don't have any PAYE payments due. How do i recover this money

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Replying to leigh yvonne:
By FactChecker
23rd Jul 2024 18:59

Well you could try posting your query in the right place (the Any Answers section) - as your post here is wholly unrelated to the article above it!

But anyway, the answer to your question will be provided by whoever runs your Payroll for you (or, if there is no-one doing that role, then try your Accountant).

Thanks (2)